Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Support Camp Amnicon: Packs and Paddles

Hello friends!

So if you've been paying attention, you know a little bit about Camp Amnicon-- only my favorite place in the world! Here's an invitation to support their wonderful ministry and my work there AND have a nice evening out at the same time. I'm working on finding a ride down to the cities for the event (anyone driving that direction on May 1?) It's sure to be a great time supporting a great ministry.

"Many youth today are "at risk" of not being healthy on a variety of levels. In an effort to follow Jesus' call to reach out to the marginalized and powerless members of society, Camp Amnicon offers life changing wilderness tripping programs for many youth who need help establishing strong roots.

You are invited to help make these opportunities possible by attending this fabulous fundraiser! Taste wine, cheese and chocolate from around the world. Come prepared to bid on great silent and live auction items as you fellowship with other Amnicon supporters.

When: Friday, May 1st

Time: 6:30 to 9:30 pm

Where: the Zuhrah Shrine Center in Minneapolis (2540 Park Ave).

Cost: $35

RSVP by calling Camp Amnicon, (715)364-2602."

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